From the guy that sweats & wears glasses....
In Reply to: Mask question posted by Chris Cancian on December 05, 2003 at 13:31:07:
Posted by: Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont on December 15, 2003 at 13:03:15
Not only does the mask fog but often, especially during scenerio night games the glasses fog up before the Thermal Lens does. I use a 260 degree wide-angle JT mask. Had to get smaller frame glasses to fit inside. The smaller the area of the lenses the better relative to fogging. Cut your hair short and keep the mask dry. I have to switch masks for a night game cause the dampness in the foam liner left over from the day game is just a source of moisture for fogging. I move slower at night. Try NOT to work up a sweat. Dress cooler. Only one layer-long sleeve and take the hits. Less (short sleeve) if you don't mind being all scratched up by the brush.. No hat. Have a sweat towel on you and another at the safe area waiting for reinsertion to keep you head/hair/mask dry... Then pick up the RAIN-X towelettes at Autozone or like auto supply stores. Prep your glasses by WIPEING your GLASSES with it on BOTH sides before you play and again if the glasses start to fog... I won't predict what would happen to your thermal lense liner using Rain-X. Nor some of the optical coatings on prescription glasses.... Beware.... |
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