In Reply to: RePLEASE Tell Me Why .--------> OK .... posted by NOCER_Productions on December 04, 2003 at 23:01:07:
Posted by: Hugh Mc_Elvey on December 05, 2003 at 21:57:31
Interesting discussion. Lets face it; there are more fields and producers of games than ever before. We have seen our average game turnout drop somewhat but we still have good, solid games. For most players the cost of games is about the same everywhere with the main added expense being travel so they will most likely go to the nearest field unless something special about a game draws them from a long distance. My opinion is that we have more and better options than ever before and we should be happy about that. There are only 12 full moons a year and some of those are nearly intolerable to play in Florida so it boils down to about 6 months of truly great paintball temperatures. Play those games where you like to play and the type of games that interest you. It is a game; enjoy it to the fullest. In my case the fullest extent of enjoyment doesn't necessarily mean playing with 800 people after driving for 8 hours. I can have a blast with a smaller group and not have to drive a long distance to do. You can be succssful with more fields and games; witness WalMart. By the way, Nocer did provide the courtesy of consulting with me to coordinate our games so that they didn't conflict. We are close enough that we would step on one another's draw significantly. Thanks for the consideration Nocer, I do appreciate it. Hollywood; did you end up with one of my radios by any chance? Take care all and have a great Holiday Season. Hugh
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