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Is my logic flawed??

In Reply to: Re: RePLEASE Tell Me Why .--------> OK .... posted by ROGUEMONKEY02 on December 05, 2003 at 05:35:46:

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Posted by:
Foxfire 5
on December 05, 2003 at 18:57:46

With the games were on seperate dates that would make it possible for some people to play BOTH games. Granted that some people can't afford back to back weekends of paintball but if it weren't an issue then it would be one less thing to have to account for.

Also say that the date in question doesn't work for some people's schedule, if there were another game of the same caliber a week later or a week before then wouldn't that make a difference as well?


Event A and Event B are on the same day. 200 people go to Event A and Event B. But thy are on the same day so no one can go to both.

Now if event A and B are on different days and only 20 people go to both that means more profit all around because then BOTH events get 220 players...

So your odds of getting more players increases because if the events are both on the same day and its a bad weekend for the player then they can't attend, no matter which producer they choose. But if the following game is on a better weekend thy can.

Of course this is thought of in a perfct world where all event producers ar considered equal. By putting them on the same day you confirm the notion that one event is better then the other and that this overlap is your best way to compete. Why even put that idea into people's heads?

Personally I like to play different venues as much as possible.

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