The Grinch Steals Cristmas again at Old River
Posted by: Rich Toth on November 15, 2003 at 18:22:45
Dear Hollyclause, I have been a good little green boy.So where's my presents? Forgot to stop by my place once again, and i'm sick of it ya hear. So this is what i'm gonna do. First after taken all your presents that you have brought for all these boys and girls and i'm gonna give them to the Marine Corp. Toys for Tots. I'll get the credit this time. After that im gonna cut down your tree. They im gonna get the raindeer drunk and take them out for a spin. So now you know my game plan. How you ghonna react? Well Hollyclause? Did I mention I ran into your old buddy Scrooge? Well he said send his regards and hell see you on the 29th. Till then my little fat friend. |
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