Starting a college club + other info
In Reply to: Disadvantages of paintball as a hobbie / sport posted by magattack on November 11, 2003 at 13:16:23:
Posted by: Chris Raehl on November 13, 2003 at 16:50:59
Swing by www.college-paintball.com. There are a few schools in Texas and the surrounding area getting clubs going this year. If you're not busy Friday and up for a trip to Louisiana there's a college tournament there which a couple Texas schools will be attending, but even if not you should shoot an email off to other clubs in your area as they'll be happy to help you out. Nice thing about a college club is you can usually play for $30-50 per day, although it might be tough to get your pricing down to that level by the time you graduate (unless you plan on being a super-senior). Depends on how well you can convince your local field owners that helping you get a club going is in their long-term best interest. College clubs are regular, easy business for fields, and will also solve your age group problem. You can also feel free to shoot me an email at ncpa@college-paintball.com if you have any questions. - Chris |
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