Re: Disadvantages of paintball as a hobbie / sport
In Reply to: Disadvantages of paintball as a hobbie / sport posted by magattack on November 11, 2003 at 13:16:23:
Posted by: Michael "g_splat" Passino on November 11, 2003 at 15:46:22
I find your argument to be somewhat weak. Yes paintball can be pricey, but you’re dealing with a sport that requires equipment to be continually renewed (i.e.: paintballs, air, etc…) much like golf. I’d also like to point out to you that golf can be just as expensive as paintball, many times more so depending where you play. Everything in life has costs wether you see them or not. The thing is you need to choose which cost you consider worthy to pay. As far as your generalization about player ages, the average age where I play on a weekly basis is 27, not 15. Actually, there are eight of us who are 30 or older. Maybe you should try a different field or even scenario games? Most scenarios seem to interest a "older" crowd. You’re compairing apples and oranges here. There’s no way you can have the same experiences on a mountain bike that you can playing paintball. Scuba is a “social” sport, but once you’re under, your ability to interact with the other divers drop severely. If you’re having such a moral dilemma over wether to start playing again or not, I’d suggest sell whatever paintball equipment you still have and move on to something else you find more allowable in your life. Sorry buddy, I just call it like I see it. Mike |
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