A minor clarification...
In Reply to: Re: I'd like to see it his way, but I can't get... posted by _Hollywood_ on October 31, 2003 at 16:25:35:
Posted by: Plex on November 01, 2003 at 04:32:02
: : ...my head that far up my a$$. :^) : Viper: : Does the term "Cranial-Rectal Inversion" mean anything?? : And I kind of wonder if this turkey doesn't go by "Richard Cranium" on occasions. : "Hollywood" Technically, 'Wood, there are two grades of this disease. The most common is termed Recto-Cranial Insertion, or RCI, where the patient's head has been placed, as implied, firmly into the body cavity in question. In a few rare, sad cases, the afflicted has made a seemingly heroic effort to continue the process, and passes through a Klein-bottle-like toroidal shift, causing the cranium to re-emerge at the top of the alimentary/digestive path. This, then, is the time to diagnose Recto-cranial Inversion, or RCI(v)... a disorder far worse than the other, often inclusing adverse physiological conditions, as well as psychological effects. In the physical, the toroidal nature of the inversion means there is no place for fecal matter to exit the system, leaving the victim... well, full of it. Psychological indications include closedmindedness, belligerence, general declines in popularity and social skills, and a tendency to troll. All that said, though, I must concur with your diagnosis... a clear case of RCI(v) can be seen here. -Plex |
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