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Spin, spin, spin... In Reply to: I will type in caps so my repsone is readable... posted by Mr. Hankey on October 16, 2003 at 17:09:26:
Posted by: Andy "Hoophooted" Sheppard on October 16, 2003 at 18:37:30
No, you're right, you just get on here and plant the seeds like "$5,000 PROFIT!" "in your pocket!" and start talking about "receipts" in a manner that IMPLIES and makes an attempt (classy attempt, mind you ;-) ) to make people think you're the National Inquirer with a video camera and a hot story... Then you back away like, "hey, I don't care myself..." You don't have to SAY it directly, and you don't - so people (not knowing) look at it and take it the wrong way. Right, Spinmaster? Your words: You wanted to know? Again, I've gotta ask why are YOU so concerned with what I do? With a game that you won't be at, or that you'd "never heard about"? I haven't stated anything about any "profits" going anywhere, again, not that its any of YOUR concern. Go sling your Hankey somewhere else... : : : It is funny that they don't complain when they : : Who's that? We put our 2003 schedule up back in October of 2002. We made one addition (the jail game, due to timing the game with their renovation schedule) and one move that occured four months prior to an event in order to tip our hats and show courtesy to BlackCat's island game that HAD to do it on the weekend that we'd scheduled our game for 9 months prior. I don't recall any games being affected by that addition or that move, and certainly not that it went anywhere near anybody else's SCHEDULED games... Seems like if my memory is correct, somebody's May game got called due to rain, then they rescheduled on top of our jail game with only about four weeks notice though (as opposed to our four months notice)... hummm. : IN CASE YOU HAVE FORGOT I AM A PLAYER. I AM NOT : : : Honestly, no disrespect meant to you Joe... you : : I thought you had to be respectable in order to give respect. So, now you're implying that we're doing a toys for tots game "for all the [wrong] reasons"? Hummm... : HEM... SEEMS TO ME I WAS ONLY TALKING TO JOE. ARE : : : I had only heard of a-1's game, I had not heard of : : Funny you'd heard about that game. Its on nobody's calendars - not even Lane's Death Inc site. Hummm... Seems to me like it popped up as a post out of mid-air, for some reason. Even stranger is, the field owner - not even two weeks ago - told Aiki that he wasn't going to do a game that weekend. : NOT THAT I WILL EVER ANSWER TO YOU... I WAS TOLD : : Funny you thought Joe was going to the A1 game, which, again, just popped up. How would you hear either way, not being "in the loop" and all? : SEE LAST REPSONSE... : : : My Bad... : : Charity is charity. Far be it from me to say that somebody shouldn't hold a charity event for kids. What I will say, is that its pretty damn pathetic of you to try and undermine all of the hard work that myself, Aiki, Tom, the Donuts, and the Toys for Tots organization has put into making this game a success by coming on here and badmouthing somebody's PERSONAL finances, etc.. : GOOD TRY - BUT YOU SUCK AT PUTTING THE SHOE ON : : We're approaching our 20th game for this year this coming weekend, spending untold dollars to go play damn-near every other weekend to pump up the TFT game and to get other fields excited about the Toys for Tots program. Matter of fact, we're just about to launch a TFT paintball website that illustrates what kind of backing the TFT organization can expect from us paintballers, so they'll be even MORE excited about cooperating with field owners to do bigger and better things for the players in years to come. For the PLAYERS. : 20 GAMES YADA YADA YADA, AND YOU STILL ATTRACK : : Seems to me like we've been doing a Toys for Tots event for hummm, I dunno.... three years in a row now, with OFFICIAL Toys for Tots STATE AND REGIONAL corporate support and assistance, while others have popped out of nowhere and at the last minute. : SO...? : : Bottom line is people see thistricycle and they get turned off by the whole thing... They don't see that you harbour hatred to the Donuts because you left the team. They don't see how everybody sits around waiting to be offended by something we do just so that they can post something like you often do. Fact of the matter is, we've introduced new players and new teams to the sport just by having a field up north, whereas you... well, seems to me that you've run off more players with all of your backstabbing, name calling, and political BS than I'd care to remember. Good players, and good friends. We are dedicated to BETTERING the sport, and bringing it to more people. All we want to do is to make the game BETTER and available to more players. You, on the other hand, are more interested in making yourself look good, brownnosing, advertising your sponsor's games, taunting others into fist fights (pathetic...), and trying to be a CAUSE of why GOOD players are dropping like flies. : I TOO AM TRIED OF YOUR AND OTHERS TRASH, AND AS : WHERE DO I START? WELL SINCE YOU OPENED THE DOOR... : I LEFT THE TEAM 2.5 YEARS AGO; YOU REALLY NEED TO : "everybody sits around waiting to be offended by something we do" : - I AM TEARING UP... MAYBE IF YOU STOPPED OFFENDING EVERYONE...??? : GREAT JOB ANDY, ONCE AGAIN YOU HAVE BASHED SOMEONE : OH! AND BY THE WAY - IT'S A GAME! NOT A SPORT... : : : So, why can't players support one game or the : : Absolutely. I'd like for everybody that can't make ours for whatever reason to go there. Same goes for Low Country's TFT game this coming weekend, for those that are too far of a drive to hit the ones up in this neck of the woods. We look forward to FURTHER cooperation with the TFT organization to make sure that more and more field are involved and putting a POSITIVE light on paintball. : WOW, IS THERE HOPE? IS HE FINALLY GETTING IT? : : For what its worth, I can empathize with them wanting to put on a game before Christmas and not having a free weekend in which to do it. November has been booked up by others for months, and if you want to put on a game, there's no other "free weekend" to do it. But, we're talking about a field that's 10 miles away from ours, that's yesterday popped up and said that they want to do something too. Since this is contradictary to what the field owner told us last weekend, I take humbrage to the fact that they couldn't divert players up to an established game - especially since there's no profit motive since they are "all going to the charity anyway...?". Oops, I forgot, you don't know what you're talking about, so I shouldn't take that as the truth. : OK...??? AND THE LAST TIME YOU DIVERTED PLAYERS : : : I know the toys go to the tots - But one must : : You have no idea what it takes to put on a game. You have no basis on what's going on, or what arrangement we have, or any finanical information about ANYTHING. You have no experience, period. So, why are you speaking on an issue that you know NOTHING about? Humm, seems like you're the one that's always going on about "if you weren't at the game..." Same concept applies here. : NOR DO I, OR HAVE I, CLAIMED TOO HAVE ANY IDEA OF : : I've been more than happy in the past to tell people (people that matter, or that care - you are neither) what all goes into putting on an event. YOU've never been to any of our games - so, again, you have no room to talk or to judge or to assume that we're "self proclaimed promoters". No, not a "here's some woods, let's go play!" kind of game, but a port-a-potties, concessions, free food, free player parties, props, prizes, free shirts, compressors, air, radios, ref vests, free DVDs of the game, etc... kind of an EVENT. Notice, those are things that THE PLAYER gets out of the event, not us. We, unfortunately, don't have corporate sponsorship for 1,000 sticky grips like some folks. We BUY (with OUR money) quality gear that we think is WORTH giving out and that players WANT. We spend our money, we don't enter into an agreement with somebody that binds us to giving out the stuff they can't sell (people don't want). We put it out there, most every day and every night, for everybody else to enjoy. If I told you how much I'd "put in my pocket", you'd think that I was crazy. You'd definitely ask me why I would put up with it all. You'd get the same answer from a lot of sub-300 player game promoters. Again, YOU have no idea and no experience about what you're talking about, and you aren't worth explaining it to. : FUNNY, I HAD NO PROBLEM WITH YOU UNTIL YOU STARTED : I HAVE IMPILED THAT THERE ARE "SELF PROCLAIMED : : : I mean, if one promotor plans to pocket $5000.00 [where do you get this fancy number?] : : Receipt for what individuals paid for their toys? For somebody that doesn't like "personal information" being posted... you sure do want to know alot about people's personal finances.. ;-) What, we're supposed to have a reciept made out to 24HG for toys that OUR PLAYERS donated? It doesn't work that way, you don't get a tax write off for what others contribute, sorry. Maybe you'd like to see donation reciepts for things that our sponsors have given us? Awful personal there To.. I mean, Hankey. : DID I HIT A NERVE? THE NUMBER IS HYPOTHETICAL(SPELL?) NO NEED TO BE SUCH A JACKASS...? MY : : How about this? I'll let you see the letters from the Toys for Tots Atlanta Coordinator stating that WE have permission to use their copyrighted name, their copyrighted images, and to state that we're a sanctioned TFT event; unlike... : OK, Oooooo.... DO YOU FEEL BETTER; I DON'T, YET : : If you'd like to see a donation receipt, or a whole donation reciept book (!), please let me know; we've got stacks of them. Most players didn't give a flip about a $10-$20 tax write off donation receipt the last two times, but we always made it crystal clear to them that we had donation receipts if they wanted them. : HERE'S AN IDEA, GO BACK AND READ MY POST! THIS : : : Not to defend Lane, But if I wanted to cut into : : There you go thinking you know something, again... You know NOTHING about what you're talking about. : ONCE AGAIN, I DO NOT, HAVE NOT CLAIMED TOO... : : : Funny, I know someone who does just that... anyone wanta guess who...??? : I BELIEVE SOMEONE ALREADY HAS... : : Please, tell me who? : : : Hint: they also show up at other promotors games : : : Can you say: "No Class..." : : Matter of fact, we had one guy come out there Sunday afternoon to say "hey" to a few buddies. He didn't pay the playing fee (he didn't play, so why would he pay a "playing fee" if he came to hang out in the parking lot for an hour on Sunday?). We decided that it'd be a better TEAM ORIENTED event and a better chance to talk to folks about TFT and our game if we went to the Chili Cook Off instead. Not only did we DONATE even more money - to United Cerebral Palsy - that weekend, but we went out to bang a drum to try and get MORE potential players interested in the sport. Yeah, we made it goofy, we had fun with it, and we talked to about 40 or 50 people that play paintball that hadn't heard of scenario paintball. We even saw a couple of folks that we knew from paintball! : MORE SHAMELESS SELF PROMOTION...??? COME ON MAN, : : Speaking of class, didn't I see your name on about 10 different posts leading up to the WF game? Wonder why then, and never before? Who'd like tell about their sponsorship deal (personal information, ooohhhh), and how it mysteriously increases the posts you make just before a game? Then, funniest of all, you get on here and profess that you hate it when people post "advertisements". : ONCE AGAIN YOU ARE CONFUSING ME (A PLAYER) WITH A : : More and more people keep coming up to us telling us about how they're disgusted with paintball and what's going on lately because the only topics that are talked about anymore are "boycotting" and "banning". Why can't we put that energy into being "ambassadors" for the sport - or better yet, just going out and having FUN playing paintball for a change and drop all of the BS? : I BELIEVE THE ONLY B S IS THAT WHICH YOU HAVE LAID DOWN. : SORRY, WHAT DID I DO TO P**S YOU OFF AGAIN? I SEEM : NOW LET'S EXAMINE MY ORIGINAL POST. THERE ARE : PART 1: I SMACK PEOPLE FOR ARGUING OVER A CHARITY : PART 2: I POSE IF THERE IS PROFIT, IS IT GOING TO : PART 3: I DISCRETLY POINTED TO YOU FOR BASHING : KEEP IT REAL, AND KEEP IT IN CONTEXT. PLEASE NO : HANKEY ;-)
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