Re: laws or rpgs
In Reply to: laws or rpgs posted by Embers_of_WR@TH_(Team_Tox) on October 04, 2003 at 09:31:11:
Posted by: Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont on October 07, 2003 at 19:19:29
E mail me. ddupont@charter.net Have some pictures of a Rainbird Valve modification. If you want to GET FANCY what this sport need desperately is a high pressure valve for the RPGs, Mortars, Cannons, etc. Weight would be significantly reduced, Recharge times reduced significantly. Bulk would me minimized. All we need is a scaled up Autococker / spyder valve, hammer, spring, trigger. Pressure rated to 1800 psi or less with a reglator and pop off valve. A Semi auto, Blow back would be VERY POPULAR with the tankers cannons. Just big enough to provide the volume needed to propel 40 paintballs or Nerf round. Me, I need one for my marker mounted launcher that weighs less than 3 pounds and runs off the marker's air supply and pressure regulator to save weight... Valve, Trigger, barrel, is all I need. |
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