What we DON'T see is:
In Reply to: AGD steps up!! Marker Body redesigned for scenario posted by Lawrence. on October 01, 2003 at 13:21:50:
Posted by: Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont on October 02, 2003 at 20:08:06
Every major manufacturer with an electro grip offering externally selectable firing modes at the touch of a finger with internally lockoutable modes to comply with tournament or scenerio rules. This way you can select the firing mode to match the tactical situation. Just like the REAL military does. NOT EVERYBODY PAYS MONEY TO PLAY AT TOURNAMENTS so WHY does every marker made have to meet tournament standards? It isn't the lack of consumer demand.... Look at how many Response Triggers Tippman has sold. Closest thing to burst/full auto and semi auto being available at the same time for the player to select. To bad you can't aim it like you could an electro grip with the same functions. |
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