Posted by: Kenneth "Luckypaintball" Luckanish on September 30, 2003 at 17:12:50
This message is for all players at EMR Castle Conquest on Sept. 27th. We had some vandalism to the campsite and the front entrance. Their were posts ripped out of the ground at the campsite and two 6x6 concreted poles ripped out that fell on the front gate roof. Many friends of Blue (owner of EMR) helped to put these poles in the ground. If you know who did this please let someone know go to www.emrpaintball.com. And if your reading this and your the one of the a$$holes who did this. Think to yourself If I came to your house and ripped of your light pole and threw it though your window how would you feel. Pretty pisted off!!!! So if you have a problem with this post. Let me know. My friends call my Lucky but you can call me Kenny. I'm always at EMR events. Come see me. And just remember no-one wants to go one on one with the great one, on or off the field!!! Have a nice Day.
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