Re: on not calling yourself hit /wiping or cheati
In Reply to: Re: on not calling yourself hit /wiping or cheati posted by Dutch on September 17, 2003 at 23:45:48:
Posted by: One_Man_Army on September 29, 2003 at 12:38:24
: : What Field(s) do you play on?-----NO cheating' huh! I'd like to play there....... : I think Dave made some very good points & actually a few of you have e-mailed me with some very good points as well....Look since we're talking bout Waynes field let's just say it....#1....but let's not be so naive to think it happens no where else. : My only suggestion--comes from how I (think) Capt Mo used to run his tourneys----It was basically by invitation & if you had a bad rep..you did'nt get the invite.....He was very concerned with paintball & sportsmanship & from what I hear did'nt allow any bad element in.......of course that opens you up to a WHOLE other side of griping & critisism.....So who's the winner in the end..so I can't see that happening except for a small scale...If you like you can hope to find the fantasy field where the ref's are only there for air fills & paint checks-- or better yet I think we as players need to step up-& do the things neccesary to bring about change...& when you as a player notice another player standing up for the rules--you should have his or her back ......I'm sure it can happen : Peace : : hey dutch, first of all it was a pleasure to hang with you at cluesII! i've played a bunch of games at wayne's and i don't think anyone there TOLERATES cheating. everyone in this sport of ours needs to look in the mirror and decide what kind of player/person they really are. you could assign one ref per person and some would still not play by the rules-- we as players need to make it painful for those people we observe cheating- maybe even to the point of social ostracism. mark |
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