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Re: Castle Conquest was a blast !!
In Reply to: Castle Conquest was a blast !! posted by Team_Knightmare_Tango on September 28, 2003 at 13:19:09:
Posted by: excalibur_acid on September 29, 2003 at 07:46:26
If you missed this you missed a great game!! The refs were awesome as always. Right in the fire fights making the tough calls. I salute all the pump players who had the courage to try and stand up to the barrage of paint we threw at them. Also the barrel placement and planning. I could tell a lot of thought and planning went into your strategy. I also have to say great planning to the Pub Crawling guys. Surrounding the castle, the towels to signal when the attackers had a window or wall. The surrender document. All sweet planning. The weather held off and it was a cloudy day and a bit warm for me but it sure beat playing in the rain and mud. Onto the game.... Waiting by the barn for the game to start seemed to take forever. But then the whistle came and we were off. PA Brew Crew would take charge of the attack on the back wall of the castle. We Jogged up the tapeline to the ridge and fought our way up onto the speedball field. Some of the other attackers had ran ahead and started to get in behind the bunkers. We kneew that we couldn't bunker down and make this a longball battle. It would take too long and that is just what the pumps wanted us to do. The Brew Crew and friends started walking down the field screaming for the troops to push hard and make the defenders retreat or die trying. After some memorable eliminations we pushed onto the ridge behind the castle. We were moving fast and we didn't want to slow down and give the defenders a chance to regroup. We pushed the back and side wall hard and in no time I was up the gang plank and onto the wall..... it had cost me a lot of paint, 6 pods and the full halo to get here, but with the cover fire and eliminations and the sheer speed at which we were taking the castle it was SO worth it. OK down to my last pod. I dump it in the halo and start moving down the wall. shooting feet and hoppers as we go. I throw whats left of my hopper into the windows of the center tower. I notice that the attackers on that wall have no idea we made it as far as we did. They are throwing more paint at us than the defenders. I try to get their attention by putting another towel over the wall to signal we had it and got gogged in the process. By the time I topped off my air, reloaded paint, and caught the next insertion and got back into the castle the game was over. I think there was a mixup in not taking all 6 artifacts down. Either than or we had the defenders so pinned down that the ref's blew the whistle. Either way it was over quickly. we had a ref verify that we had possesion of the last artifact within 45 minutes. Well under the 58 minute record for a castle fall. Then EMR and all the venders gave out a boat load of prizes. everything from 10 round tubes to a gold plated pump. I defended the second game and had even more fun because there is always more targets for a defender to shoot at. We started outside the castle and made the attackers work for every inch they took. I on a few occasions would run out the doorway and bunker who ever was knocking. What a rush. as always. I paid big time by getting shot up by a lot of attakers on the outside. But it is worth it to push them back and keep them wondering what we will do next. I don't know who the girl was playing the back window with me but she kept a cool head under fire as we kept calling out attacker positions and kept them off the back wall as best we could. well hopefully some of this rambling made sense. I am beat. the castle always takes a lot out of you. Blue, As always EMR is the best field and runs the best events!! : Castle Conquest was a great game, we had so much fun defending in both games. : So much of a big deal was made about this game... would the pumps defeat semi's? Are pump players better that semi players? Would the pumps be slaughtered by the overwhelming firepower? Those who talktricycle, usually eattricycle, on both sides. And, I'm sure that will be the case in this game. : As always, everyone will see this game through their own eyes and the war stories will flow. The way we saw it, through our eyes and the time on our watches, the last artifact left the Castle walls at just a few seconds over 50 minutes. It was not turned in for whatever reason which resulted in a time of 59 1/2 minutes. In my eyes, the attackers broke the record... some will argue to serve their own agendas, but isn't that always the case : There were many great example's of play in this game, on both sides, it would take pages to put them down. I would love to shake the hand of the defender that dove into the barrels that were being built out to reach a prop just inside of wall 4 (what we call two), what a move. The attackers pushed like anilmals in countless instances and did a fine job. : We did what we could and contributed what we could, in a small way, to the defense. Our role had been to leave the Castle at game on and take it to the attackers trying for wall 4 or what we call wall 2 going clockwise starting from the front. It's the side with the hill that slopes down toward Stilt Village. As we were told by the attackers, this was a main point of attack for them. DOTW, Demaskus, a few other who were also from Blue's Crew (forgive me if one or two additional players came also) and ourselves met them at the bottom of the hill and completely stopped the attack on that side with approximately 15 pump players. When the attack began to eventually trickle, we knew they probably had decided to switch the approach in the opposite direction and given up on this approach. We ran up the hill to get back into the Castle and try and help plug holes as fast as we could. By this time though, the other prong of the attack had breached the walls on the rear and right side of the Castle. We headed up to the Castle, ran across the court yard and drove the attackers back almost all the way down the rear wall but were finally eliminated. The attackers were relentless in several spots throughout the Castle and did a fine job continueing their push. Props to them. Several assaults were made to retake sections of the walls, some successful, some not. We, along with several Blue's crew made several attacks out the front door, resulting in the removal of the attackers that had pilled up against that wall and eventually the retaking of several small buildings in JF town which was short lived. Mike "Blue" thanks for taking a few for me as we exited that door :-) Eventually the insertion area began to come under heavy attack and the defenders were piling up. We appologize to those who we me might have bumped on the way getting through to attack out. : In the end, it was a great game. Who's better, pump players or semi? I think that's something that is individual based because I know many players that play both. The defenders fought hard and did a great job. That attackers did a great job also, doing what needed to be done. The result was simple... a great game that most would say they had whether pump or semi. : Thanks EMR and the refs for a great time !!
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