Rumor Control Central
In Reply to: Re: rumor control posted by Mike on September 26, 2003 at 14:07:57:
Posted by: Hugh Mc_Elvey on September 26, 2003 at 21:29:17
I thank you for jumping in there Rich but will take over with rumor control. The field is closing at the end of December; the state is taking the property under the imminent domain law and reopening the Ocklawaha River Channel. Keith and Charlene are obviously upset over this intrusion in their (and all our lives) since this property has been their home for many, many years and we had great plans for it's continued development. Now that that is out; the only thing for Keith to do is take what the state is offering and consider opening a new field. Keith has asked me to partner with him on the next go around and I'm strongly entertaining this idea. I believe we could truly build a world class, "disney world" of a paintball establishment together. Keith and I have a unique working relationship and we both believe in the paintball family and want to advance the game for all. I would recommend to all to call Keith and provide your support at this time, give him your ideas for the type of fields you would like to play and look forward to an Old River that is bigger, better and more of what you've come to expect. Now that we've said that, I've been putting together the Sleepy Hollow IV game and believe it will be a great time for all attending. I also anticipate that the Toys for Tot's game could be our largest game ever due to it's being the last big game at the field. I've already promised Rich the Grinch generalship and look forward to it being a great time for all. For SLIV, the final 24 at Old River, the generals are Brom "Bobby Poppa Boar Lloyd" Bones and Ichabod "Ray General Killer Smith" Crane. The Ghost of Major Andre will be none other than Scott Mears along his gaggle of Bad Monkeys ghostlings. This game should live up to the previous games and to the field's reputation. I invite everyone to come enjoy the great field Keith has put together, rub elbows with fellow comrads in arms and just plain enjoy life for the weekend. See you in the middle, Hugh
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