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Re: scheduling conflicts / the cost of paintball /and

In Reply to: scheduling conflicts / the cost of paintball /and posted by dave on September 24, 2003 at 13:49:15:

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Posted by:
Mr. Hankey

on September 26, 2003 at 17:03:21

I would love to play as many different promotor's
games out there as possible... The over
scheduling of games prevents me from having
a chance to do so (as much as I would like)...
I am only going to play so many games in one
year... and while that number is much more than
the 2 or 3 games of the old days (just a few
years ago) with Family, Time, and Money
limitations, I can only play so often...
Unfortunately, Promotors in Georgia are starting
the same over scheduling date problems that
exist in Florida now...

I'm expecting California promotors in the
Southeast at anytime - it's just a matter of time... ;-)

On a positive note... If your too busy this week,
there is always a game next week...!

Hankey ;-)

Annoucnement: If you have "way to much money" I am
accpeting sponsorship to support my paintball
playing. As I see it, there will be 208 games in
Florida and Georgia "alone" for 2004 - I
would like to make atleast 52 of them... Are
you up for the $1,000,000.00 challenge...?
Ah, let's make that $2,000,000.00 Hankey will
need some spending money too - Gotta Party... ;-)

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