How dare you!!
In Reply to: Re: Boy oh Boy... posted by CanadianChris on September 09, 2003 at 11:00:35:
Posted by: Katie "KTCpaintball" nichols on September 20, 2003 at 21:43:35
You have a very serous lack of backbone bud! If you had problems, with the bunkhouses you could have stayed in town! I personally have never had a problem with the bunkhouses, and find your description of them very full of what is in the bottom of our " poor bathroom facilities "! Which I feel are more than adequate, and better than going out in the woods and using laves, in you're case I hope you would have found a batch of poison ivy. That's if a city boy like you would even know what it looked like. I consider the people and players at EMR my family. How dare you insult my family! I personally wouldn't lose any sleep, if you never come back to our home! It is people like you who give the sport, and its players a bad name! For everyone else who was at the game, you all made it grate! It is to bad there are people like this "BOY", who put a damper on happy memories. Mother, Pac you did grate as always. Tom, Joe, Blue, Eric, Chris and all the home staff who helped out Love you all!! Katie Nichols
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