Sept 27 & 28 Combat Park, Waycross Georgia
Posted by: _MG_ on September 18, 2003 at 11:43:26
Just wanted to remind everyone about the upcoming game in Waycross Geogia at Combat Park. Nocer Productions is putting on this game, and from what I have seen on their website, this field looks like the "Mash" movie set! Military trucks, tents, sandbags, you name it. Check it out! General Chesters Paintballs/ store/ distributorship, will be sponsoring and supplying ZAP paint for this event. I hope I can break away from the paint sales to get a little bit of playing in. I know there are several games within weeks of each other and it is hard to decide which ones to go to, but if at all possible come on up to Combat Park and get in on the fun. Game theme is "Battle of Kontum". Chester |
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