SLEEPY HOLLOW IV - Old River Paintball - Oct 11-12
Posted by: Hugh Mc_Elvey on September 17, 2003 at 22:09:24
The skinny Ichabod was dancing with Katrina Van Tassel as Brom Bones watched from the shadows of the Van Tassel mansion. The party was quite an event for Tarrytown and marked the end of a successful harvest. The merry makers didn't even notice the brooding Brom and soon he left to make his way back to the tavern. He was on the way to collect his band of rowdy men and he'd give those do-gooders a party they wouldn't soon forget. Mark your calendar and come do your part to keep Brom in control or fight along side his against the skinny school teacher, Ichbod Crane. Old River Paintball, Oct 11-12; full moon, free camping, good friends, plenty of targets and, of course, the Horseman shall ride again. Give Keith a call at the field 352-288-5840 to pre-register before Oct 1. Pre-game registration is $45 and PMI premium paint is $72 when ordered with registration. Compressed air will be $10 for the event. See you in the middle, Hugh
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