Sleepy Hollow
Posted by: Team Fugitive 3 on September 17, 2003 at 20:40:10
Sleepy Hollow Time again and my Fugitives are growing more restless by the day. Pappa Boar and company should be planning their game as The Black Berets and Team Fugitive along with other elite forces will be ready for twenty four hours of awesome paintball action at Florida's premier, Old River Paintball. We are looking forward to seeing all of you whether we are shooting you or, you are attempting to shoot us,the Elusive Team Fugitive! October 11th and 12th at www.oldriverpaintball.com Team Fugitive will be bringing guests and we invite any players that are planning to attend the game whether first time players, new Teams, organized Teams or what ever, you are cordially invited to take a trip into the world of Team Fugitive ACTION and see what it's like to play the game from the front lines while accomplishing our missions and respectfully eliminating our competition. |
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