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Rules Vary Widely around here.....

In Reply to: Rules for Paint Cannons? posted by Roedog on September 16, 2003 at 14:31:13:

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Posted by:
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont
on September 16, 2003 at 23:16:56

Safety is alway paramount.

Never just show up when the pre registration line is about 40 players deep and ask about using YOUR gizmo...

At several fields around here you can USE the Pocket Rocket Vortexs on Occupied structures/bases out of RPG or Mortors.

With RPGs you have to be 50 feet or more away and with mortars you have to angle them up 30 degrees or more and lob the rounds in. This allows the pocket vortex to slow down enough to be Safe should it have a direct encounter with a facemask.

Interestingly I got Nailed in my JT Mask right over the mouth with a RPG from about 20 feet away.

I was following a tank and as it drove by a building I thought it would be a good idea to run up and make sure nobody was behind the building. The guy assumed the first thing he would see moving as it came out from behind the building would be the tank. Instead it was me comming around the corner. He fired and I got a pretty good Whack in the face. No damage to me or the mask. It might have cracked a lense but certainly would NOT have penetrated it. Interestingly, the guy that shot me was the OWNER of the Field that lectured us RPG players to NOT shoot at individual players....

At D day you could use mortars that were angled up.

But I had the SAME idea as you. Several variations considered but NONE tried.

You BASIC FLAMETHROWER. A pressurized tank of liquid, hose, nozzle and a valve. Trouble is nobody wants to be hosed down. Pressure gets high for one with a 20+ yard range. HEAVY SUCKER to carry around. Limited spray time. Just seconds.

A High Tech mortar with an explosive charge to generate the gas to spray and area from above with a paint charge. Uses a proximity device to control the detonation point above ground. The downward force of the paint charge would have an equal and opposite reaction that, if designed properly, would make the container of the mortar reverse direction and basically STOP in mid air 15 feet above the ground and then just Drop. But if the circuitry etc. ever failed and some poor guy was under it, he would be nailed with a 3 pound mortar moving at considerable velocity... Potentially lethal...

The BEST idea was a Pulsed Squirt Gun. Uses two rams connected together. One has two check valves in line so it is basically a paint pump. The other ram is a pneumatic 2 way ram. Using a standard 3 way control valve, it would cycle the pump and send pulses of paint out of a nozzle and into enemy structures. It would have a good SPLAT schrapnel effect.

The stoke of the pump ram and the diameter of the output nozzle would control how much paint is discharges per pulse. The length of the pulse can be controlled by the total volume expended per the stoke. This controls the enegy disipations should it strike a facemask. The physics of energy dissipation would be quite different than a solid shelled paint container.

The pressure regulator controlling the pneumantic ram air pressure would control the velocity.

It would be very controllable and a little R & D could make if very safe to use on occupied bunkers as well a tanks.

It would definitely be a HEAVY sucker. Definately a tank mounted device. Not a hand held.

I would also want a thick, viscous paint. Don't want it to turn into a sprinker at a distance. I wanted the pulse to stay relative intact out to the 50 yard range. A true artillery piece that this sport really needs......

Where & How to get the 'paint' would be an issue. I bet it would cost a fortune. I was thinking about 5 gallon buckets of Yogurt or Sour Cream from your grocery wholesaler. Non-toxic and bio degradeable right? Picture the smell on the second day of a hot summer game...... Oh well, better YOU than me.....

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