New Scenerio Theme - Bio weapons & Vacines.
Posted by: Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont on September 14, 2003 at 11:50:39
Just got the story line for the upcomming game at Smakzone.com Haven't heard of a game with the central theme being bio weapons.... Politically correct with current events. It will be interesting to see how it works out. I bet I could bring some smoke of my own and create some havoc. Different color but I bet I could cause some panic in the opposing ranks of those that didn't pay attention at the briefing.... We will see which way the wind blows.... Here is the story line: In a remote area of Latin America, in a "secret" lab, a private party was funding the development of a new biological weapon. Intelligence reports state that an outlaw mercenary group, calling themselves The Rogues, assaulted the facility and removed the weapon as well as the vaccine against it, and some other chemical weapons. It was first reported that they had been hired by an outside source to retrieve the weapon and deliver it to said source, but those reports have not been verified. What is known is that The Rogues have contacted the United Nations demanding a ransom for the weapon. The alternative:
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