Re: Score Posting...absolutely.
In Reply to: Re: Score Posting...Ever Notivce...? posted by Lawrence. on September 11, 2003 at 01:42:43:
Posted by: RedEye on September 11, 2003 at 16:14:04
Any closed system is subject to scrutiny, deception, and downright revolt, whether that system is within a game/sport or totalitarian government/regime. Only by having completley open scoring can a producer maintain the confidence of the players. This is no longer a theory...it is an established, demonstrated fact. Two years ago, it was pretty much a theory, at least in Central Florida. Open scoring has been put to the test at both Old River Paintball, and First Strike Paintball since then, with outstanding results. The angle that promoters used, to defend not revealing the score until the end of the game, was: In a lopsided game, half the players go home early if they are losing badly. They based that on their own observations, at their own games. Enter the concept of open scoring. What happens now, is when the scoring becomes lopsided, the producer approaches the general of the winning side and asks for a concession. Because that general already has the comfort and knowledge of knowing he is in control of the game, he agrees to turn a team over to the other side. The general gets to be a hero, the promoter gets his balanced game, and everybody goes home happy. Nobody feels cheated or deceived. So, the issue is no longer...what is the best solution. The issue is...why haven't all the producers learned what Jason and Hugh have learned through experience? Chris "Torch" Milan
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