Starbase & SPPLAT Update
Posted by: JJ Brookshire on September 10, 2003 at 11:45:04
Regardless of who did what or said what about or to whom, I felt it was my obligation as the creator and director of SPPLAT Attack I&II to contact Starbase to discuss his issues in greater detail before commenting in a public forum. After a few emails, IMs and at least one telephone call, I agreed to refund Starbase's entry in an effort to bring this ugliness to and end. He immediately stated that he did not want that since the money was for charity and a good cause. It seems that at one time Starbase was actually encouraged to be an antagonist to the AOers. This history did not help once combined with some broad statements made after the game. Starbase has agreed to discontinue posting negative comments on this subject. I'm asking that we all drop the matter in this and the other forums. This is not to say that if you have a complaint or comment regarding SPPLAT Attack II or a suggestion for SPPLAT Attack III that I do not want to hear these. Please feel free to visit www.SPPLAT.com and click on "click here" for comments. |
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