In Reply to: Star_Base_CGI posted by PigTech on September 09, 2003 at 13:28:31:
Posted by: BluE on September 10, 2003 at 09:16:06
I just wanted to thank everyone that came to EMR and SUE and My defense against this so-called player. By the time I read the posts he made, you all had already taken care of his bull$%@! accusations so I could come up with nothing else to add. Thank-you goes out to all our growing family and together we set the standard for paintball. A.N.T. BLUE & SUE : When issues arise, there are choices to be made. : Earlier this morning, the Star_Base_CGI account was suspended for reasons unrelated to the "Splat Attack 2 at EMR Sucked" post (though that post drew attention to them.) : I have since become convinced, having read messages in other places on the net that I believe to be from the same person, that this user was using this message and Rec talk, not to express dissatisfaction with the event, but rather as leverage to make financial gains (specifically a threat was made to create "ugliness" if a refund was not paid.) : I have deleted the post, which unfortunately took with it the follow-up messages that clearly, and point for point refuted many of this person's claims. This does not mean this is a "forbidden" topic, but rather that I did not want this web site to continue to be used to give credence to this person's claims that now obviously were not based on customer satisfaction/dissatisfaction but rather as a planned attack on the credibility of others in an attempt to strong-arm them into paying him/her money. : See you on the field,
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