In Reply to: IS IT JUST ME OR....? (TAMPA SCENARIO) posted by Bill Collins on September 09, 2003 at 21:46:46:
Posted by: Mike "Capt._Mako" Collins on September 09, 2003 at 22:09:56
Dear Chainsaw..fellow Jaffa Warrior.. please...no... I implore you....stop trying to rap! You are only going to give the Skunk Apes and Spooker a reason to come over and use thier "mind numbing rays" on us with long exagerated prose on how they single handedly defeated the blah blah blah blah. Your new mission is to try to get Bighead to come out and go Human hunting with us! Oh a save one of those "oops I didnt see you there" friendly fire incednts for smart talking THEED. 'Maybe just maybe my boys can hold em...yea and I am a Chinesee Jet pilot." |
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