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Re: My only beef...

In Reply to: My only beef... posted by Gene on September 08, 2003 at 17:06:56:

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Posted by:

on September 09, 2003 at 01:30:33


Thanks dude for helping out. Shot me an e-mail with those dudes names who helped clean up, or give me a call bro. I appreciate the help & will get it right for you folks.

As for those other folks. Oh well, I always deal on my word and take folks at there word. Thus for a upgrade kit we found out all we will ever need to know about those who grabbed the upgrade after agreeing to help clean up and scooted on down the trail. I was trying to help Mike and all the guys at EMR out by leaving an area as clean as possible. & Yes you & your crew got it clean.

My thanks bro,


: Those guys you gave the Halo upgrade kits to all just walked away Pacman after you asked them to help pick up thetricycle left on the field when those "Stand-up" players stood-up and walked away from their trash.

: Good thing I had 5 guys who pitched in and helped to fill the 36x36x36 box with dropped prize packaging and soda/beer cans.

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