Re: Politics, excuses, and egos aside......
In Reply to: Politics, excuses, and egos aside...... posted by Dale on September 07, 2003 at 13:22:19:
Posted by: Hipkiss - Twilight Zone on September 08, 2003 at 10:50:02
: At the end of the games, the producers ALWAYS tell us it was a "CLOSE GAME" and this or that mission put this side or the other to the winning circle. We all go home happy and tired. We won or 'almost won'. Our side has been slaughtered all day long and it was a "Close Game". We dominated the other side all day and it was a "Close Game". : Have you guys is other parts of the country observed the same thing I have here in the MidWest? This totally depends on the producer in my neck of the woods. Generally speaking if it feels like you are getting handed your hat, you are. I’ve played in a couple of games that were absolute massacres and the scores weren’t even totaled until after the event, and guess what? Nobody really complained, the losers knew they got trounced, but had a good time anyway, probably a better time than the winners in fact due to the boredom generated by shooting fish in a barrel. I certainly have been victimized by the “close game” syndrome, as well as seeing a game that is clearly a route be called in the favor of the other side. It’s annoying, and guess what? We don’t play those games any more…. To get back to Ken’s point. When it comes to losing I blame either a) The Weather b) Smart Parts c) Brass Eagle d) William J. Clinton e) The Butler |
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