Re: Using names of TV series in games?
In Reply to: Re: Using names of TV series in games? posted by Kimmo Kainulainen on September 08, 2003 at 02:15:14:
Posted by: Clayphoto on September 08, 2003 at 09:09:09
You're from Europe? By ALL means get a lawyer. Nothing like the UN, EU, and nation to nation agreements on top of our laws to complicate the matter. :) As far as people getting sued around here for trying to hitch-hike on a movies popularity.... keep in mind that I have no evidence of this, just the general vibe I get around here, and what I've seen before in the photographic community. I'm sure of that is going on that the shows could sue on successfully. My gut reaction is that there is probably more cooperation between the fields and the shows as is generally let on. As in probably a good number of the field owners are calling up the picture studios and either work out a barter type agreement or just get a simple OK from the company. Take example the Terminator movies. You figure that the general demographics of paintballers is probably not that much different from Terminator fans. A paintball event may be good free marketing for the movie, particularly if a celebrity decides he wants to watch or join in. But getting the answer on that WOULD be interesting. MTV used to have to pay the record companies to get their videos. Now the record companies run and beg to MTV to get airplay of their newest video. Clayton : Thanks for the info. I thought it is like this and I am wondering how long organizers are going to be able to use films for free. After all, they are making money, so someone is eventually going to notice :). : I am located in Europe and using films as background in some small games would probably not get anyones attention, but I think getting permissions is the way to go. I just hope nobody is going to get sued over there in the US, it would probably hurt the whole scenario industry. : Kimmo Kainulainen
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