Why Ruin Rec Ball with Raging Competion ???
In Reply to: A Niche not being filled? posted by Team_Knightmare_Tango on August 16, 2003 at 13:04:57:
Posted by: Old Timers on August 19, 2003 at 20:26:07
: If tournements are a high level of competition on small fields and Scenario/Big Games are, according to some, "not supposed to be so competitive" ... Should there and would there be a demand for Scenario or Big Game tournements that were arranged in a way that would be more competative? : Would there be enough demand to make it profitable for someone to out on these games? : How could it be run with the larger teams involved in these type of games? : Has anyone played in the five man "Rec Tourney" that Cousins held before one of their big games this year, what was it like? : Wasn't there a company that put on a couple of competitive Big Games in the south east but more individual based? How did they do and how were the games?
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