Shameless plug for the Fire Fall and Smakzone.
In Reply to: Fire fall attendance expectations posted by Smakman on August 11, 2003 at 07:04:43:
Posted by: Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont on August 13, 2003 at 19:01:19
I'm with that St. Louis crowd. Played down there many times. One of my favorite playing fields for scenerio games. I have no vested interest or business relationship with the field. Just PLAY it every chance I get. You should too. The scenerio field is a dedicated field meaning it gets played ONLY when there is a scenerio game or Big Game. The commercial rec field is adjacent and can be used as part of the field if needed but NOT usually part of the scenerio game field. It is heavily wooded, Lots of terrain cover, ravines and hills. When the Tank roads were bulldozed, some brush piles and trees that are now NEXT to the road offering ample places for ambushes of players and tanks. It can rain and has rained all weekend and you can still play. It is rocky soil and only some of the tank roads get muddy. Rain gear is pointless for me because I sweat water from the inside out in rain gear. It would have to be really cool for me to wear rain gear. But come October in Missouri, who knows. Invest in a Thermal Lense if you haven't. You will need it for the night game. There are TWO LARGE Bases that are lighted for the night games. The lighting systems make it a scream to play the NIGHT GAME. The Halogens are WAY UP HIGH in the trees. They do NOT overlap their lighting coverage. The result is some LONG DEEP and Dark shadows behind every tree trunk, birm, and brushpile approaching the base. Places to approach the bases abound. But you can't see the other players in the base well because the lights are in your eyes. Not to say you guys shouldn't bring a portable spotlight or two to blind them while our guys in the shadows can sneak on into the base and do some serious damage. And some covering fire, a diversion or two, etc. and it will be a good fight. The Big Bases have elevated sections and surrounded by foxholes, trenches, bunkers suitable for offense and defense.
Totally safe but should really adjust some sphincters during the night game. Inital results on the unsuspecting are very favorable. Since last year he has Changed the lighting controls. The field now has a Generator Station. It IS the Generator that runs the lighting. But it is ALSO a Major Objective for the night games. He who controls the Generating Station controls the lights for BOTH BASES Off or on at the command of your General.. Picture a firefight going like crazy and then the lights go off......... Suddenly the guys inside the Base hear the patter of little feet running though the leaves in their direction! They are screaming and scrambling to get out their spotlights and flashlights. Some close quarter combat follows shortly. Picture approaching the base with NO LIGHTs on. You hear the General say "CHARGE" !!!! You charge, rush the base, and Poof! The lights come on and you are the ONLY guy actually running at the base perimeter. Whoops! Thanks guys! I really needed that.... There will be as much fighting to control the Generator Station as the attacks on the Base. I have a map of the field with grid coordinates and topo lines. Send me an E mail and I will forward it to all who ask. Jpeg file. Print it yourself, laminate it, and be ready to play. Bring a Permanent Marker to Fill in the grid coordinate Numbers and Letters around the side after you pick up your registration packet so you will be using the same numbers and letters as your GENERAL... I will have my RPG ready for the tanks. I owe the guy comming from Chicago from D Day.... He has one tough looking tank. And he hammered me at Alpha Base repeatedly with his machine gunner. However, D Day was a big open field. Ideal for tanks bad for RPG with a 30 foot range. Not so a Smakzone. The guys in the bushes have the advantage.... And with a little luck, I will have a NEW anti tank weapon..... And Smakzones rules for taking out tanks is a little easier than D Day rules. Read them and YOU bring what you need to take them out..... Pre register for the team assignments and any roles he has that YOU might want. Dibs on RPG, Sniper, and Demolition man.... Every game so far has been a BYOPaint event. Something unique and special that player doesn't usually have the option of doing. We have been paying a little extra for the privilage to shoot our own paint. I will be using my Invisible Paint as always... If you can make the game, you won't be dissappointed. Dale DuPont aka Head Hunter ddupont@charter.net |
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