Re: Why isn't there a Viper game near everyone?
In Reply to: Why isn't there a Viper game near everyone? posted by Kerry on August 10, 2003 at 15:58:54:
Posted by: _Hollywood_ on August 13, 2003 at 17:44:03
Viper and I have exchanged e-mails on this subject. My view, from a public relations standpoint, is that publicity and promotion are essential elements of a successful business. You have to promote before the event, and publicize after the event. Viper is also doing something I don't see very often, and that's looking inward. That's one of the first things a promoter should do - look at himself and the games, and ask "What am I doing wrong (if anything)? Too many producers blame everything but themselves for their fall off of business. The next step, is to obtain input from the players. Obviously, that's being done. Once the information is compiled, then set up and execute a plan. Nothing is going to work overnight. It'll take a minimum of six months, and probably 12 months before results can be evaluated. But the first step, is that for future events, climb up to the roof of the house, and shout it to the world, three months ahead of time, and keep doing it, right up to the day before the event. Remember, "Out of sight, out of mind!" Nobody's going to think about you, unless your name is right there in front of them, connsistently, and in at least two of the major national/international publications. It can be anything from a blurb in the "Calendar of Events" section, to a feature story on an event, to a full page ad, but it's got to be there. Then, you have to decide where the money budgeted for advertizing, is most effectively spent. Ask other producers about where they advertize, and the rate of return from that advertizing. "What outlet provides the "best bang for the buck?" OK, that's the PR view. I'll leave the business perspective, and other perspectives, to those more qualified to offer them. "Hollywood" |
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