Re: Naked Women on CNN
In Reply to: Yep. posted by Dale on July 25, 2003 at 00:05:47:
Posted by: Team Fugitive 3 on July 25, 2003 at 03:24:55
Nice Ideas! : We have been toying with the idea of RENTING a tracked backhoe and just dropping a shell of armor on top of the roll cage. Bolt it down. Zip ties, whatever. Come with a trailer and we don't have storage problems. : The cannon and machine gun turret would be part of the shell. : Use netting on the sides and ride around with your windows down OR you won't be able to see out of them. Ditto the front windshield should be removable and reinstallable. If you can, you will be blinded by every break. OR : A case of windshield fluid you can pump from inside the car. : Angle the front winshield netting as horizontally as possible so you get more bounces than breaks on the front windshield. : I flirted with a Tippman 98 or Spyder based "Chain Gun" It shoots out the center and the six rotating barrels are fake and just turned with a motor or pneumatic ram. The fields won't let you use a full auto much less a chain gun. But I always thought a set of speakers in the turret playing a recording of one firing WITH those rotating barrels would have the desired effect. Maybe better. Even flirted with adding a strobe flash to flash down the top barrel to simulate a muzzle blast. Add some CO2 fog from your Tippman's firing right under it and it should look pretty cool, Especially at night. : I have a circuit to control a solenoid ROF to pull a trigger or ram or both. : Lot of resources for parts and electronics if you need them. Let me know.. E mail me. : ddupont@charter.net
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